As Brothers we are NOT Alone

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. 

Proverbs 27:17


Our Men’s Ministry provides men with opportunities to connect with other men and challenge one another to depend on the grace and holiness of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. As men, we encourage one another to live uniquely through Christ and serve others in a way that reflects God’s plan and purpose. Our hope is to see this lead to transformation in our homes, neighborhoods, and in the world around us.

For this reason we gather together in His name. The men's ministry gathers twice a year for fellowship and encouragement. We want the men of our church to take responsibility for the spiritual good for one another.

Men's Ministry Groups

Here are some other ways to get involved: 

  • We have men’s groups that meet throughout the week for accountability.

  • We have a men's inductive Bible study. 

  • If you want to use your physical bodies to serve, join us in doing practical work with your hands. Many hands make for light work. 

  • Join a discipling group that meets together for intentional spiritual good.

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