Membership makes our commitment to Christ and his people visible through the local church. It is a regular privilege that involves us in one another's lives for the purposes of the gospel. Our prayer is that membership at Hinson Baptist Church would display to those around us what God’s love looks like. We would love for you to join us. 

How to Join

  1. Newcomer lunch

This lunch is for you to learn more about what we believe and who we are as a church. You will have time to ask any question to one of our pastors and some members. If you are new to Christianity, we would love to connect you with a Bible study to explore following Jesus. We are also happy to recommend other gospel-preaching churches in the area. 

Register for the newcomer lunch.

2. Membership Application Form

Fill out the Membership Application Form. By filling out this form, you give our elders information to get your membership process started. We ask that you look through our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant prior to the interview. If you have any questions, we can discuss them during the interview and we’ll have you sign a copy of them if you are in agreement. 

3. Membership interview

We will schedule a membership interview with you and one of the pastors. This is an encouraging time for us to hear your testimony, affirm the gospel, and explore how Hinson can care for you. The meeting takes about an hour for an individual or 1.5 hours for a married couple. We typically interview Tuesday - Friday during office hours or Sundays in between services.

4. Elder Recommendation

The Elders review the applicant’s membership application at a regularly scheduled Elders’ meeting. Upon their collective approval, the applicant moves to the congregation for their approval. 

5. Congregational Vote

At the next congregational meeting, the congregation hears the pastor recount parts of your testimony. Then, they vote to receive you into membership—a commitment to care for you as you care for us in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Email us here to let us know you are ready to join.