147 - Authority at Hinson

Who is in charge at Hinson? Listen as Anthony Locke and Dan discuss congregationalism, elders, staff, and deacons on The Disciple Hinson Podcast. This is part of our ongoing series to particularly help new members understand what we believe and why we do what we do at Hinson. For further information, listen to Michael's sermon on Congregationalism here or read this little booklet by Mark Dever here.

141 - David Fisher on Meta

Listen as Dan discusses the Metaverse with David Fisher.

A few recommended resources re: technology and discipleship:

1. "Freedom" (an app that allows you to set constraints on certain things you might find addicting on your devices)

2. Centre for Humane Technology - A non-Christian institution seeking to support people seeking better balance in technology use. Can't endorse everything but have some helpful resources including a "youth toolkit" and a list of "take control" suggestions.

An interesting quote from the Centre for Humane Technology's website:

“The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology.”